یہ تحریر اردو (Urdu) میں بھی دستیاب ہے۔
Time is the Past
مکمل کتاب : His Divine Grace Qalandar Baba Auliya R.A.
Author :Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi
Short URL: https://iseek.online/?p=5364
In one sitting, throwing light from the spiritual point of view, on Time and Space, Qalander Baba Auliya said, “Every creation is dihedral and exists in the form and shape of two sides. Thus, life also has two aspects. One is its wider aspect or the Unconscious and the other is the limited or the Conscious aspect.” “The wider aspect; Unconscious is the Time and Eternity is its limit whereas the limited aspect; the Conscious is the Space, which, in fact, is division or part only. Now the question is what the Time is actually? And, what is the division of Time or the Space is and how does it come into being?” “Normally it is considered that Time is passing whereas, in actual effect, time is a record (Past). Present and Future do not exist separately rather these are the components of the Past.” “It is the statement of Holy Prophet (PBUH), “Pen dried after writing what was to happen.”
Then explaining this quotation of Holy Prophet (PBUH) Qalander Baba Auliya said:
“There is book that has been written i.e. the Past is a record. There are different ways to study that .book. If the book is read from beginning to its end, word after word, line after line and page after page, in sequence and order. Now this manner of studying the book is that of wakefulness or the Conscious. Man’s conscious experience is that one moment is followed by another, one day is lived then the next and thus days become weeks, weeks become months, months become years and years take the form of centuries that pass in an order and sequence. Thursday cannot come after Tuesday unless the Wednesday is not lived by, Similarly, March cannot come if the proceeding months are not live by. This very way of living is the Conscious way of life. In Spiritualism this way of living is termed as Serial Time or the Wakefulness.”

یہ تحریر اردو (Urdu) میں بھی دستیاب ہے۔
His Divine Grace Qalandar Baba Auliya R.A. chapters :
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