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Muraqaba (meditation)
Meditate for peace of mind
It is a frightening and scary act to think that we can achieve happiness by giving other people loss. The tree is one, but the leaves and branches are unlimited. If a branch of the tree smites the root of its own tree, then how will the branch itself r
Reference :KASHKOAL (BOWL)
God says “I was a hidden treasure. So I created creatures with love, so that I can be recognized.” The important point before us is God Himself says, “I created with love.” This means that the means of recognizing God is love and the only passion that
Reference :KASHKOAL (BOWL)
According to Sufism, the universe is like a circle (chakra) in a dimension, meaning that everything that exists in this universe is contained in a circle (chakra). This enclosure of the cosmos in a single circle (chakra) is like a microfiche that conta
Reference :Muraqaba (The art and science of Sufi meditation)
Greatness is fitting only for those who experience the surge of the knowledge of God’s attributes within themselves. They can be of use to other creatures and their personality harms no one.
Reference :KASHKOAL (BOWL)
One way a human can live life is to live every moment of it entrapped in limited senses. The second way of living life is for a person to live free of the limitations of senses though living within them. Feelings of grief and sorrow do not affect such
Reference :KASHKOAL (BOWL)
Where were we before birth? The simplest answer to this question is that before our birth we were in the world of spirit. From the world of spirit (Alam-e-Arwaah) we came down to the world of matter (Alam-e-Nasoot). But when we discuss the world of spi
Reference :KASHKOAL (BOWL)
Everything has some sort of identity even if we think it is invisible and do not give it any importance. When a person makes it the aim of his life to fulfill his desires, then in reality that person is overcome by the identity of that desire. If the d
Reference :KASHKOAL (BOWL)
Tasawwar Rasul (Muraqaba of Rasul SAW)
It is imperative for a qualified Sufi Master to have gained the spiritual link (nisbat) with the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and have gained his perceptivity (tarz-e-fikr). When a student achieves fana fi shaykh (as described in chapter-29) then his percep
Reference :Muraqaba (The art and science of Sufi meditation)
There is only one condition for bravely achieving success from the struggle of life and that is that men understand the meaning of struggle and strife. The understanding of the meaning is that life has be lived in a routine. This routine is that we tak
Reference :KASHKOAL (BOWL)
Azeemia silsila was founded by Qalander Baba Auliya after having its approval by Holy Prophet (PBUH) in July 1960. Name of silsila goes after the name of Qalander Baba Auliya. Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi requested Qalander Baba Auliya for founding Silsi
Reference :His Divine Grace Qalandar Baba Auliya R.A.
A human being is, in fact, a tree, and the actions and deeds of his life are the fruits of this tree. The tree cannot be recognized by its root, but it can be recognized by its fruits. Similarly, the same situation applies to human actions. The decisio
Reference :KASHKOAL (BOWL)
Every student of spirituality should keep in mind that the limitations of the limited theories, arguments, extremisms, self-styled experts or mentors in one, two or more sciences point actually to a defective way of thinking. This defective way of thin
Reference :KASHKOAL (BOWL)
Drowsiness is the earliest stage of Muraqaba. When someone begins the practice of Muraqaba for the first time, often he or she becomes drowsy and goes to sleep. After few days the condition that prevails in the mind can neither be called asleep or awak
Reference :Muraqaba (The art and science of Sufi meditation)
Qalander Baba Auliya says there is only one subconscious mind working in the universe. With this mind the waves of the unseen world and those of observation (Shahood) comprehend each other even though they may exist at opposite ends of the earth. Thus
Reference :KASHKOAL (BOWL)
Disposition and essence are two different things. By essence we have partnership with other species like sheep, goats, cattle, buffaloes, dogs, cats, snakes, pigeons and doves. By disposition we have our own individual position. This position is gifted
Reference :KASHKOAL (BOWL)
When the inhabitants of the earth discuss among themselves, they say I am Muslim, or I am Hindu, or I am Persian, or I Christian. Yet the reality of humankind is spirit, and it cannot be given a name. Light is everywhere light, regardless of whether it
Reference :KASHKOAL (BOWL)
It has been proven scientifically that the life of plants, rocks, animals, and humans acts on the basis of an electrical system. The electrical energy obtained from the human body is enough to turn on an electric torch or a pocket radio. It has been pr
Reference :KASHKOAL (BOWL)
By meditation a person becomes aware of the unseen world, the same way he becomes aware of the apparent world. When the devotee or spiritual student enters the unseen world just as he lives his life this material world and fulfills all his life needs,
Reference :KASHKOAL (BOWL)
All the periods of human life are recorded in the Preserved Script (Loh-e-Mehfooz). Every particle of the universe is the detailed picture of this record. If you go deep into the existence of a particle you will find a clue of this record. Similarly, s
Reference :KASHKOAL (BOWL)
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