From The Translater’s Desk

As a ninth-grader I was inspired by the way Mathew Star of the popular English serial “Powers of Mathew Star” used his telepathic powers to help people. It was 1984 and I wanted to have the power to do likewise. Later, thinking about Star’s program, I saw my mother’s Copy of the Roohani Digest, and […]


It is said that today is the time of the ascendancy of development. It becomes evident after the analysis of this ascendancy that the meaning of development is an unending series of tyranny and cruelty. The real meaning of this development is that the people who are starving to death and those who are barely […]


There is not a single person in the population of the world who wants to sicken and die. If life were in one’s control, then no one in this world would die. Similarly, all the basic aspects of life and all the activities on which our life is based are not in our control. If […]


The Quran says “There are sights and truths for the believers.” This means that the characteristic of believers is that they have a deep insight into the realities of skies and earth, as well as the formulae of creation of the skies and earth. The power of observation of the believers unveils the solar systems. […]


There are always in this world certain specific people of God who are brimful of blessings deriving from the observation of the unseen world. When these specific people analyze the majority of people in world, they feel sorrow. For the majority of people think the few days of life in this world are the real […]

The Sub-subconscious

If we categorize the customary or current sciences in this world, we can divide them into three parts: physics, psychology and parapsychology. The knowledge of physics covers those activities of life that can give limited benefit to the person. The axis of thinking of such a person is matter. Such a person can never come […]

The Deception of Sight

Today’s science after research and struggle has come to a point where it says that the whole universe is a display of one energy or power. Yet this disclosure is not new. Many people in our ancestral past have described a picture of man as being built on colours of different kinds of thoughts. It […]

Aerial Globe

What is imagination? Where does thought come from? It  is important to understand these things. If we ignore these questions then many realities will remain hidden and the chain of truth, which is linked to understanding this problem, will remain unknown. Whenever a thought comes to mind it has some universal reason. The incoming thoughts […]


Half of our life is dreams, and they tell us that there are senses in humans that reveal the unseen world to them. In dreams or in the sense of dream, time and space do not control us but rather we control them. Because dreams are not subject to the limitations of time and space, […]

The Spiritual Man

By meditation a person becomes aware of the unseen world, the same way he becomes aware of the apparent world. When the devotee or spiritual student enters the unseen world just as he lives his life this material world and fulfills all his life needs, so in a similar way visualizes the solar system and […]

Spatial Wire

Some astronauts have gone into space. They report that at an altitude over a hundred miles you feel weightlessness. But if you want to know the truth or what the reality is, you will see that three and a half billion people, along with quadruped animals, are all hanging by their feet from earth. But […]


It has been said that this world has been destroyed a number of times, specifically it has been said that it has been destroyed sixteen times and then repopulated afterwards. Beautiful, colourful and decorated with gardens, attractive snowy mountains and crystalline waterfalls, this world, which is the home of the beautiful sun and rays of […]


Different living beings around us are so many different pictures of breathing sand. The whole wealth of their life consists of presumptions. These presumptions are the base of the senses. When the thought becomes action, then the sense of sight, the sense of listening, the sense of speech, the sense of smell, the sense of […]

Meditation (Muraqaba)

The heritage we received from our ancestors so as to be free from impatience, lack of peace and distress is known as meditation. With the help of meditation we can bring our hidden abilities to the public forefront. Humanity that is suffering from fear, horror and feelings of vulnerability and is entangled in pains and […]

The Developed Mind

Everywhere we hear the rumor that the young generation is forsaking Islam and that they do not follow the example of their ancestors. Why is it that we do not think that we are also included among these ancestors? If the present generation has left the teaching of Prophet Muhammad (PB.U.H.) then the present generation […]

The Will of God

The friends of God and holy people are connected to the divine inspiration and revelation. Through meditation the forms of divine inspiration and revelation become so strong that these holy people tend to understand the realities behind the apparent. And their mind sees and understands the will of God directly. Then they are acquainted with […]