یہ تحریر اردو (Urdu) میں بھی دستیاب ہے۔
Metaphysical or Paranormal
مکمل کتاب : His Divine Grace Qalandar Baba Auliya R.A.
Author :Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi
Short URL: https://iseek.online/?p=5361
Procalimer of Reality, Qalander Baba Auliya says, “Metaphysical or paranormal feats or performing wonder-workings is not big deal. When someone’s conscious system is over powered by his Unconscious system, such things start taking place which are uncommon and people start considering them as wonder workings, which is nothing but a conjuration. Spiritual knowledge and spiritualism is ltogether a different thing. The paranormal or the under-working can be performed by one’s own and it can be involuntary as well. Ability to perform metaphysical activities can be activated by practice and exercises.

یہ تحریر اردو (Urdu) میں بھی دستیاب ہے۔
His Divine Grace Qalandar Baba Auliya R.A. chapters :
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