یہ تحریر اردو (Urdu) میں بھی دستیاب ہے۔
Distant Treatment
مکمل کتاب : His Divine Grace Qalandar Baba Auliya R.A.
Author :Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi
Short URL: https://iseek.online/?p=5348
Mr. B. Zaman Rtd. Deputy Secretary Finance reported that they were in Thailand and his wife got sick and developed anemia. Doctors told him that she needed blood but that might not be enough she needed prayers, too, for her life. He sat down and after focusing his attention on Qalander Baba Auliya, he submitted to him that his wife was very sick and doctors are not hopeful. He says, “Within no time before the blood could have been arranged for her the deficiency of blood in her system was no longer there and all their arrangement to procure blood proved to be useless.

یہ تحریر اردو (Urdu) میں بھی دستیاب ہے۔
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