یہ تحریر اردو (Urdu) میں بھی دستیاب ہے۔
Books Authored
مکمل کتاب : His Divine Grace Qalandar Baba Auliya R.A.
Author :Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi
Short URL: https://iseek.online/?p=5319
He left behind three books for his spiritual descendants;
- Loh-o-Qalum (Pen and the Scripturum) the most remarkable work on spiritualism,
- Tazkira Tajjuddin Baba Auliya; the most authentic work that explains the science of wonder- workings of the spiritual people,
- Robaiyat-e- Qalander Baba Auliya; collection of his poetic couplets that causes the mind to experience the ultimate realities.
Besides this he also made many diagrams to explain the formulae of creation and controls of the cosmic program.
The first issue of the monthly Roohani Digest was published under his, patronage on 1st of December 1978. Most of the titles are based upon the diagrams that he made during the course of explaining the extra-celestial realms.
NB: A book named Qudrat ki Space is also attributed to his credit, which he dictated to one of his students. The notes were taken into Gujrati Language that were later on translated into Urdu.
A trust by the name of Azeemia Foundation was established in his life. This trust acquired a piece of land in North Karachi where his mausoleum has been constructed and people go there to pay homage to him.

یہ تحریر اردو (Urdu) میں بھی دستیاب ہے۔
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