یہ تحریر اردو (Urdu) میں بھی دستیاب ہے۔
Tall Buildings
مکمل کتاب : Muraqaba (The art and science of Sufi meditation)
Author :Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi
Short URL: https://iseek.online/?p=12883
There were these tall men, about twenty feet tall with wide bodies. Because of their length and width they could not enter any buildings of the area. They were walking, jumping from one roof to the other but were not able to sit and relax. Sometimes they cry or hit their head in distress.
I asked them, “What is going on here, why are you so sad and worried?”
One of them replied, “In the world I seized the rights of orphans and made buildings out of that wealth. These are the same buildings, now their doors are closed to me. Delicious and greasy food has put air and fire in my stomach. The air has made my body so big that I can no longer enter my building and the fire…this fire is burning me. I want to flee but there is no escape.”
Now let us see the other side of the life after death.
See this article in printed book on the pages (or page): 134 to 135
یہ تحریر اردو (Urdu) میں بھی دستیاب ہے۔
Muraqaba (The art and science of Sufi meditation) chapters :
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