From the Translator’s Desk (Book Muraqaba)

مکمل کتاب : Muraqaba (The art and science of Sufi meditation)

Author :Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi

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I have been a fan of Shaykh Azeemi’s writing since my teen years. Early on when I observed the hypocrisy and shallowness of the religious establishment and was growing tired of the rhetoric, his writings on metaphysics, on parapsychology as well as other social evils facing the Muslims Societies were a breath of fresh air. His approach was very different; instead of being overly critical or self- righteous, he always offered hope, introduced new ideas and optimism. The first time that I attended the Urs ceremony of Qalandar Baba Awliya (1896-1979) in Karachi was in 1990, I noticed that toward the end of the ceremony people, young and old, male and female would line up just to get a hug from the Shaykh. You could see their anxiousness as they wait their turn. In a culture of least physical contact, where even parents do not hug their adult children and public display of affection is limited to very young children, that too was refreshing. Back then I was only familiar with his writing and have not yet met the Shaykh in person. So I too joined the queue. After a long wait, in which people of different economic and ethnic backgrounds and from different parts of the world formed a single line, got their hug, some cried on his shoulder, some asked him to pray for them, I too got my turn. I then realized why people were waiting so anxiously for so long. It was a very brief hug but I felt something. It wasn’t that I hadn’t hugged anyone before but this was different.

Shaykh Azeemi has since transformed many lives through his writings and his teachings of spiritual awareness. When this book Muraqaba first came out in Urdu, I almost had this urge that this book in particular need to be translated into English. Fortunately, the Shaykh on his last visit to Houston granted me the permission to translate it.

Anyone who has written or translated a book knows that it is not a one-man job. It is indeed a team effort. I could not have translated this book without the support, encouragements, and advice of countless friends and well-wishers. First, I would like to thank Dr. Harold Raley for the excellent editing and David Raley of Kingsley Literary Services for the cover design and layout setup. I could not have done without you. To Dr. Carl W. Ernst, Author and Professor of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for his advice on uniformity of using the Sufi terms. To Shaykh Kabir Helminski for his kind words for the project. To Syed M Azhar, founder of Sheikh Chilli Restaurant of Houston, the first and only Pakistani-restaurant in the city back in 70’s and a popular local radio personality, for his encouragements throughout the project. Mr. Azhar is definitely the icon of the South Asian community of Houston. I would also like to thank Brother Abdul Hafeez Butt of Manchester, England, who last year lost his wife and life companion Syeda Saeeda Khatoon, yet

gracefully assisted in the project. To Naseem Burke of New Orleans and Rashida Jilani of Toronto, Canada, both in charge of their local chapters of Azeemi Order for wishing the project well. To Fasahat Mohiuddin of Modern Tribune and to Urdu literary society of Houston, Gahwar-e-Adab’s Attorney Syed Nayyer Izfar, Syed Mohsin Zaidi, Arslan Usmani, Syed Ameerul Hasan, former labor leader Ghulam Mohyuddin Chisti, Imtiaz Ahsan, Aman Khan, Aijaz Ahmed, Khalid Ali, Shoaib Ahmed, Syed Athar Ali Kazmi, Moidul Hasan, Ali Hasan, Azam Akhtar, City Councilman M J Khan and HPD officer Muzaffar Siddiqi and to Mr. Ashraf Meghani of J&M for taking care of most of my accounting and other related paper-work and to Mian Nazir of Rehmania for his kind wishes as well and to anyone I missed, I apologize in advance. I thank all of you for your support and kind words.

Last but not least, I would like to show my gratitude for Shaykh Azeemi for entrusting me with this task and giving me the permission to translate his book and to God for giving me the ability to do and complete this job.

Muraqaba (The art and science of Sufi meditation) chapters :

Introduction to Muraqaba About The Author From the Translator’s Desk (Book Muraqaba) 1 - Self and the Cosmos 2 - Mental Concentration 3 - Spiritual Brain 4 - Waves of Thoughts 5 - Third Eye 6 - Film and Screen 7 - Motions of Spirit 8 - Electrical System 8.2 - 3 Currents 9 - Three Layers 9.2 - Laws of vision 10 - Heart of Cosmos 11 - Concept of Unity (Tawheed) 12 - Muraqaba and Religion 12.2 - Contemplation 12.3 - Abraham 12.4 - Moses 12.5 - Mary (The Mother of Jesus) 12.6 - Jesus 12.7 - Cave of Hira 12.10 - Dhikar and Contemplation 12.8 - Attention to God 12.11 - World Religions 13 - Benefits of Muraqaba 12.9 - Prayer and Muraqaba 13.2 - Schizophrenia 13.3 - Mania 14 - Levels 14.2 - Drowsiness (Ghanood) 14.3 - Colorful Dreams 14.4 - Dreams related to ailments (sickness) 14.5 - Suggestions (for dreams) 14.6 - Identifications (In dreams ) 14.7 - Dreams about the future 15 - Subtle Sensations 15.2 - Idraak (awareness) 15.3 - Varood (esoteric vision) 15.4 - Ilhaam (revelation) 15.5 - Proof of Vahii 15.6 - Kashf (reveal) 16 - Spiritual Journey 17 - Fatah (Exploration) 18 - Classification of Muraqaba 18.2 - Explanation about Muraqaba program 18.3 - Practical Program of Muraqaba 18.4 - Style of Posture for Muraqaba 18.5 - Timing and Place for practicing Muraqaba 18.6 - Materials that can be helpful for Muraqaba 18.7 - Imagination (Tasawur) during Muraqaba 18.8 - Avoidance – (Don’ts) during Muraqaba Practice 18.9 - Muraqaba and Sleep 18.10 - Storage of Energy (through Muraqaba) 19.1 - Helpful Exercises for Muraqaba 19.2 - Breathing for Muraqaba 19.3 - Is’taghraaq ( immersion) 20 - 16-Week Program for Muraqaba (Sufi Meditation) 20.2 - Immunity 20.3 - Mental Weakness 22 - Muraqaba of Colored Lights 21 - Spiritual Concept of Healing 22.2 - Blue Light Muraqaba (Blue Light Meditation) 22.3 - Yellow Light Muraqaba (Yellow Light Meditation) 22.4 - Orange Light Muraqaba (Orange Light Meditation) 22.5 - Green Light Muraqaba (Green Light Meditation) 22.6 - Red Light Muraqaba (Red Light Meditation) 22.7 - Violet Light Muraqaba (Violet Light Meditation) 22.8 - Pink Light Muraqaba (Pink Light Meditation) 23 - Station of Ihsaan (murtaba-e-ihsaan) 24 - The Hidden World (ghayb) 25 - Muraqaba of Life after Death 25.2 - Aeraaf (Astral Plane) 25.3 - Magnificent City (in Aeraaf) 25.4 - Business (And its reward in hereafter) 25.5 - Evil Religious Leaders (And their reward) 25.6 - Gossip (and hereafter) 25.7 - Backbiting (backbiter in hereafter) 25.8 - Tall Buildings 25.9 - Angle of Death (and beloved worshipers of Allah) 25.10 - Muraqaba Nur (Muraqaba of Divine Energy) 26 - Kashf ul Qaboor (Muraqaba) 26.2 - Shah Abdul Aziz Dehialvi 27 - Dress of Soul 28.1 - Haatif Ghaybi 28.2 - Tafheem (Wisdom) 28.3 - Spiritual Journey 28.4 - Muraqaba of Heart (qalb) 28.5 - Muraqaba of Unity (Tawheed, Oneness) 28.6 - Muraqaba of Negation (Muraqaba la) 28.7 - Muraqaba of Void 28.8 - Muraqaba of ‘fana (annihilation) 28.9 - Muraqaba, Divine Names 28.10 - Name of Divine Essence (Zaat) 29 - Tassawar Shaykh (Muraqaba) 30 - Tasawwar Rasul (Muraqaba of Rasul SAW) 31 - Divine Essence (Zaat-e-Ilahi) 32 - Glossary
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