یہ تحریر اردو (Urdu) میں بھی دستیاب ہے۔

Spiritual Brain

مکمل کتاب : Muraqaba (The art and science of Sufi meditation)

Author :Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi

Short URL: https://iseek.online/?p=12957

Many life experiences and events point to the fact that there are perceptual resources available besides the physical senses in humans whose capability and attributes are much higher and greater than normal senses. Based on the way with which these perceptual resources are exposed to us, different terms have been assigned to them, for example sixth sense, Extra Sensory Perception or ESP, intuition, conscience, inner voice and spiritual flight among others.


We all go through a certain phase of our life when the ability to think becomes clogged. We cannot make up our mind in the face of turmoil or a crisis. In the midst of that confusion, a thought suddenly crosses our mind like a flash and we become aware of something that could not be explained, nor does it have any apparent relationship to the state of affairs. This thought is sometimes so strong that we simply cannot avoid being influenced by it. The more compelling fact is that when we act on that very thought, the problem that we were facing, goes away. Often we hear people saying that their sixth sense was telling them something or that they were receiving a thought repeatedly and then it all happened the way it was in their mind.


Example I:



You suddenly start thinking about a relative whom you have not seen in years. From time to time, his or her picture appears in your mind though there is no apparent reason for it. You began questioning yourself why it was happening. Sometimes it may also be accompanied by feelings of happiness or of worry. Shortly thereafter, you learn that same person either is sick or was involved in an accident. In the same way sometimes a thought of a friend starts coming into your mind for no reason and moments later the same person is knocking at your door. Often when a group of people is talking about something and the topic of discussion imperceptibly moves to an absent specific person and a short while later, the same person shows up unexpectedly.


Example II:



A scientist spends time researching something and analyzing the results and during that process of deep thinking, he or she is able to form a new idea. This new discovery would then become the basis for a new formula or a branch of science. This discovery process unfolds in a step-by-step way or in some occasions bypasses all the trial and error stages and forms in an instant. In a step-by-step process,


this discovery does not feel to be out of ordinary. However if it happened in an instant then it cannot be termed as the working of the normal senses.


In organic chemistry Benzene is a compound. The discovery of its molecular structure is in many ways similar to what we have just discussed. Chemist Friedrich August Kekule (1829-1896) was busy finding out the molecular structure of Benzene, since based on earlier assumptions it was not what he thought it should have been. However, even after spending day after day he was not able to come to any conclusion. One night he saw in his dream that there were six serpents who were grabbing each other’s tail in such a way that it formed a specific figure. Simply by looking at that figure he got the idea of the molecular structure of Benzene. After he woke up, he worked on that figure for a while and proved that the molecular structure of Benzene is the same as what he had seen in his dream.


In the same way, many advances in the field of medicine are a result of intuitive guidance. Because of mental work of the doctors and researchers, the mind focuses on any chemical, compound, or drug and through experiments and research the intuitive signal is transformed into the material form and figure and the belief of its success.


Creative art as well as any other conscious performance is also influenced by the delicate perception. Many subjects, writings, poems, and thoughts cannot be viewed as cognitive efforts. This is also noted by authors, painters, poets or philosophers and often referred to as ‘inspiration’ or its absence as `writers block’.


By looking at the different stages of life, it is evident that we are influenced by cognition and intuition. In order to live a meaningful life, the things we need are provided to us from a source. In our mind, thoughts are formed in an order on their own and because of that order, we lead an orderly life. From early childhood to late years the experiences our consciousness gathers and the awareness of its organized and powerful use is also provided by that source.


This internal working can be seen in the different types of personalities and interests. Consciousness gets its signal of centrality and aptitude from the unconscious. For instance, two children of same parents usually have different aptitudes and abilities. Even though socially they belong to the same economic strata and receive equal attention from the parents. They go to the same school but with age their conscious interests become different. One takes interest in arts while the other aspires to become a lawyer. One excels in academics and gets good grades while the other does not. We would not be able to find any clues if we were going to look into the outward circumstances.

Similarly, if these children were asked why they take certain interest in one subject but not the other,


they would not be able to answer that as well. The truth is that the impressed mark of the unconscious determines the course of interest for the consciousness and the individual’s ability, interest, and performance gets distinguished.


This can also be seen in the Animal Kingdom. In the lower animals as well as among insects there exists an individualized as well as collective cohesive consciousness. Moreover, we know that in the workings of that consciousness, cognition or education plays no part. For example the making of the spider’s web or the ability to fly among birds or the ability of honey-bee to make honey from the flowers are all the behavior we usually call innate behavior. None of these skills are taught in any way. What we are trying to point out is that behind the mechanism of the consciousness, there is a source. The consciousness is influenced by that source. Human life in all its different stages is influenced by that same source, but since we are so used to our daily routine, we hardly pay any attention to it. However, there are different aspects, which could not be termed as routine or ordinary. Therefore based on experiences and observations human cognition is forced to classify these into different layers. Psychology talks about sub-consciousness and unconsciousness while Parapsychology deals with the sixth sense, inner voice or Extra Sensory Perception (ESP). Religious figures introduce us to conscience, intuition and the spirit. Hence, all branches of knowledge recognize the existence of a source or entity besides the brain. More interestingly, even non-religious people (e.g., Karl Marx) are forced to recognize a unit, which is beyond the scope of human intelligence or consciousness Nature.


In other words, there are two brains in humans. One of them is the outward one while the other is hidden. The more this outward brain is connected to the hidden brain the more peaceful a life we lead. Our angle of perception gets wider and the capability of the brain to receive and comprehend the intuitive information it receives from the hidden brain is enhanced. All Spiritual branches of knowledge (including Sufism) are based on the notion that a person be able to use the spiritual brain as much as possible. The transferring of thoughts without material medium (Telepathy); receiving information without the help of any material medium (kashaf); making changes in things and thoughts with the spiritual power (tasarraf); knowledge of spiritual formulas; visiting other worlds; observing angels and jinns, Heaven, Hell, the Divine Throne and glimpses of the Divine Attributes, all these are possible only when the spiritual brain of the individual is activated and functional.

See this article in printed book on the pages (or page): 9 to 12

یہ تحریر اردو (Urdu) میں بھی دستیاب ہے۔

Muraqaba (The art and science of Sufi meditation) chapters :

Introduction to Muraqaba About The Author From the Translator’s Desk (Book Muraqaba) 1 - Self and the Cosmos 2 - Mental Concentration 3 - Spiritual Brain 4 - Waves of Thoughts 5 - Third Eye 6 - Film and Screen 7 - Motions of Spirit 8 - Electrical System 8.2 - 3 Currents 9 - Three Layers 9.2 - Laws of vision 10 - Heart of Cosmos 11 - Concept of Unity (Tawheed) 12 - Muraqaba and Religion 12.2 - Contemplation 12.3 - Abraham 12.4 - Moses 12.5 - Mary (The Mother of Jesus) 12.6 - Jesus 12.7 - Cave of Hira 12.10 - Dhikar and Contemplation 12.8 - Attention to God 12.11 - World Religions 13 - Benefits of Muraqaba 12.9 - Prayer and Muraqaba 13.2 - Schizophrenia 13.3 - Mania 14 - Levels 14.2 - Drowsiness (Ghanood) 14.3 - Colorful Dreams 14.4 - Dreams related to ailments (sickness) 14.5 - Suggestions (for dreams) 14.6 - Identifications (In dreams ) 14.7 - Dreams about the future 15 - Subtle Sensations 15.2 - Idraak (awareness) 15.3 - Varood (esoteric vision) 15.4 - Ilhaam (revelation) 15.5 - Proof of Vahii 15.6 - Kashf (reveal) 16 - Spiritual Journey 17 - Fatah (Exploration) 18 - Classification of Muraqaba 18.2 - Explanation about Muraqaba program 18.3 - Practical Program of Muraqaba 18.4 - Style of Posture for Muraqaba 18.5 - Timing and Place for practicing Muraqaba 18.6 - Materials that can be helpful for Muraqaba 18.7 - Imagination (Tasawur) during Muraqaba 18.8 - Avoidance – (Don’ts) during Muraqaba Practice 18.9 - Muraqaba and Sleep 18.10 - Storage of Energy (through Muraqaba) 19.1 - Helpful Exercises for Muraqaba 19.2 - Breathing for Muraqaba 19.3 - Is’taghraaq ( immersion) 20 - 16-Week Program for Muraqaba (Sufi Meditation) 20.2 - Immunity 20.3 - Mental Weakness 22 - Muraqaba of Colored Lights 21 - Spiritual Concept of Healing 22.2 - Blue Light Muraqaba (Blue Light Meditation) 22.3 - Yellow Light Muraqaba (Yellow Light Meditation) 22.4 - Orange Light Muraqaba (Orange Light Meditation) 22.5 - Green Light Muraqaba (Green Light Meditation) 22.6 - Red Light Muraqaba (Red Light Meditation) 22.7 - Violet Light Muraqaba (Violet Light Meditation) 22.8 - Pink Light Muraqaba (Pink Light Meditation) 23 - Station of Ihsaan (murtaba-e-ihsaan) 24 - The Hidden World (ghayb) 25 - Muraqaba of Life after Death 25.2 - Aeraaf (Astral Plane) 25.3 - Magnificent City (in Aeraaf) 25.4 - Business (And its reward in hereafter) 25.5 - Evil Religious Leaders (And their reward) 25.6 - Gossip (and hereafter) 25.7 - Backbiting (backbiter in hereafter) 25.8 - Tall Buildings 25.9 - Angle of Death (and beloved worshipers of Allah) 25.10 - Muraqaba Nur (Muraqaba of Divine Energy) 26 - Kashf ul Qaboor (Muraqaba) 26.2 - Shah Abdul Aziz Dehialvi 27 - Dress of Soul 28.1 - Haatif Ghaybi 28.2 - Tafheem (Wisdom) 28.3 - Spiritual Journey 28.4 - Muraqaba of Heart (qalb) 28.5 - Muraqaba of Unity (Tawheed, Oneness) 28.6 - Muraqaba of Negation (Muraqaba la) 28.7 - Muraqaba of Void 28.8 - Muraqaba of ‘fana (annihilation) 28.9 - Muraqaba, Divine Names 28.10 - Name of Divine Essence (Zaat) 29 - Tassawar Shaykh (Muraqaba) 30 - Tasawwar Rasul (Muraqaba of Rasul SAW) 31 - Divine Essence (Zaat-e-Ilahi) 32 - Glossary
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